Council meetings usually occur the 1st Tuesday of the month at 7pm, adjusted for holidays and Tuesday election days. Meeting agendas are below. Meeting minutes can be downloaded here.
- January 7th
- February 4th
- March 4th
- April 1st
- May 6th
- June 3th
- August 5th
- September 2nd
- October 7th
- November 11th
- December 2nd
- February 7 (Agenda)
- January 3 (Agenda)
- March 7 (Agenda)
- April 4 (Agenda)
- May 2 (Agenda)
- June 6 (Agenda)
- August 1 (Agenda)
- September 5 (Agenda)
- September 25 (Special Meeting)
- October 3 (Agenda)
- October 11 (Special Meeting)
- November 14 (Agenda)
- November 20 (Special Meeting)
- December 5 (Agenda)
- December 11 (Special Meeting)
- January 3rd (Agenda)
- February 1st (Agenda)
- March 1st (agenda)
- April 5th (agenda)
- May 3rd (agenda)
- June 7th (agenda)
- July 5th (Agenda)
- August 2nd (Agenda)
- September 6th (Agenda)
- September 20th (Special Meeting)
- October 4th (Agenda)
- October 19th (budget)
- November 1st (agenda & budget)
- December 6th ( Agenda)
- December 28 (Special Meeting)
- Jan 5th (Agenda)
- Feb 2nd (Agenda)
- Mar 2nd (Agenda)
- April 6th (Agenda)
- May 4th (Agenda)
- June 1st (Preliminary Agenda)
- June 14th Special Meeting
- July 6th (Agenda)
- July 12th (Special Meeting)
- July 26th Special Meeting
- August 3rd (Agenda)
- September 7th (Agenda)
- October 4th (Agenda)
- November 1, 2021 (Agenda)
- December 6, 2021 (Agenda)
Previous meeting agendas can be acquired at the Exeter Borough Building during normal business hours, 9:00am-3:00pm weekdays.
Please bring a completed “Right to Know” form with you.